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billy bonka

That's one hell of a fever blister. Glad to see Jack in the Box isn't shying away from versimilitude. (sp.?)

very metal

I thought someone might comment on its weirdly dilated pupils...


When this picture showed up in the newsreader, I marveled at its cuteness, but I didn't correlate the cute factor with the dilated pupils.

Anyway, the moral of this story is to put these things on your car where they belong. Away from the cats.


The dilated pupils? - that picture was snapped just before Ted's cat sort of chewed it to death. Pupils, among other things, tend to dilate in those situations.

What's really lame is, Ted gave me a nice watch and a set of golf clubs (including golf bag), and all he got was that ping-pong ball. I owe you one, Ted.

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