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Bloody thursday was july 6th: the pigs killed 3 workers, Harry Bridges grabbed the mic. The city shut down july 6th the workers outrage it was a general strike. The media clamed that the commies were taking over and some believed it was true. 3 uncompromising strikes was paved the way -- Minn, SF, and Toledo!


You, friend, CRACK ME UP! I laugh (and cringe with jealousy) every time I read your comment... "within having sex distance"... Now, witness my geekery: I just bought a damn poster off eBay autographized and personalized TO ME from the former TAMORINE player of BJM. And it wasn't cheap. I figure he must've been within having sex distance of Anton countless times... Oh my gosh. I might just plagerize myself and post this on my own blog... Wait, no... I'm too ashamed...

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