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Ojo Rojo

What's wrong with Edward "You Fucked With The Wrong Bull" Norton? He was great in American History X and 25th Hour.


There's an audio version of the 2000 New Yorker story about the Shaggs here:


& you have to check out the Shaggs tribute album Animal World put out a few years ago. It's good. 25th hour, however, is not.


The Tartan Horde

Should I be concerned that Amazon has already recommended this album for me?

very metal

You should be flattered, actually.

Also good that Patrick commented, when I more-or-less stole the "[i]f it doesn't, then something inside you is dead" line from him, from an old Activity Story post about the "dancing old person Six Flags commercial".

Here's an off-the-top-of-my-head joke for you, Ojo: What's the difference between Ed Norton and roadkill? I actually liked that thing I saw the roadkill in.

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