More righteous "circus rock": Watt's The Secondman's Middle Stand, live 4.10.05 in Heidelburg. That's Mike Watt (bass, vocals), Raul Morales (drums), and Paul Roessler (organ, vocals). Photo by Watt.
![Sunrise_in_pedro_050331 Sunrise_in_pedro_050331](
But if a lady come from Heaven speeds and helps you, as you say, there is no need of flattery; it is enough, indeed,
to ask me for her sake. Go then; but first wind a smooth rush around his waist and bathe his face, to wash away all of Hell's stains;
for it would not be seemly to approach with eyes still dimmed by any mists, the first custodian angel, one from Paradise.
-- Purgatorio, Canto I: 93-101 (Allen Mandelbaum translation)
† † † Ma se donna del ciel ti muove e regge, come tu di' , non c'è mestier lusinghe: bastisi ben che per lei mi richegge.
Va dunque, e fa che tu costui ricinghe d'un giunco schietto e che li lavi 'l viso, sì ch'ogne sucidume quindi stinghe;
ché non si converria, l'occhio sorpriso d'alcuna nebbia, andar dinanzi al primo ministro, ch'è di quei di paradiso.
Update! Another great live Secondman's Middle Stand, this time with Mr. Jerry Mazich on organ/vocals -- 10.23.04 @ Southpaw, Brooklyn, NY.
Another update! Watt's got a new boat!
Perhaps this post is too tame. Not a single response?
C'mon! Give us something!
Posted by: billy bonka | 04/26/2005 at 16:01
Posted by: too hot for comics | 04/26/2005 at 16:35
I thought about commenting on how beautiful Heidelburg is. I got to spend a gorgeous day there once hanging out at a castle and drinking german beer. Watt picked a great place to play a gig.
Posted by: Master E | 04/26/2005 at 21:48
I heard a Shins song on the radio yesterday and completely hated it -- is that controversial enough for you? Oh yeah, I hated it b/c it was a terrible, terrible song. And it didn't change my life one bit.
Posted by: very metal | 04/27/2005 at 10:28
I would probably hate the Shins too if all my favorite bands only knew 4 or 5 ways to structure chords, knew only one tempo and spawned generations of clones that repeated the same formulas.
How many Descendents albums do you have? doesn't one suffice since they're all basically the same album?
Face, Very Metal, for good or bad you're a contrarian. Anything that YOU didn't discover you profess to loathe. And it's so ingrained as a behavior that you won't PERMIT yourself to like anything that you didn't discover. So rather than listen to something good (like the Shins) you slink further and further into obscura, a place where YOU are the expert and nobody's opinion counts because nobody knows better.
Posted by: billy bonka | 04/27/2005 at 12:56
Shitty psych pop (post-1968/9, anyway) is, well, shitty. Case closed.
Posted by: very metal | 04/27/2005 at 13:02
Tom, are you just going take this basically retarded besmirching of the Descendents?
Posted by: very metal | 04/27/2005 at 13:09
Wait, didn't you ask for some controversy, Bonka?
A less arbitrarily-contrarian post would have just said something like "I hate cops", but I figured everyone hates cops. Or pigs, whatever.
Posted by: very metal | 04/27/2005 at 13:25
Everyone wants to go somewhere where they are the king, eh? And saying to someone, "Your favorite band sucks, they totally bite off Uzi Flower and In The Face's second album. Their live show is copped from a Ropeface tour from 1988," sure makes you look (and maybe even feel, if you're adept enough at self-deceit) like Big Chief Umpa Wumpa.
But at the end of the day, you'll have to face facts. The Beatles are fucking amazing. And so are a lot of other things that basically everybody likes.
That being said, attempting to torpedo the Descendents is goofy. While Descendents/ALL hasn't been relevant since before Pummel, they're (in my opinion) more vital than the Shins. I know you're just trying to get a rise out of Ted, but for the love of god man there are much easier targets for your submarine sneak attack.
Posted by: tom | 04/27/2005 at 14:36