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very metal

i suppose you can play "metal's high school album" bingo if you want to... based on either had or have. let me know when you yell bingo! and be honest.

as for me... i wouldn't win all that many "have" bingos... one, actually: a3, b3, c3, d3, e3. maybe that's not such a bad thing.


New Order... check (and I have a good story about meeting them)..

Rush... check

Black Flag... check

Smiths.. Yap... Is that Pauls Boutique?... OK Check.

Where is your Social D?



very metal

woah. you met the mighty new order? that's rad. i've seen them twice (at 16 and 22 - damn, it didn't really seem that long ago), two of the best and strangest shows of my life.

social distortion were always a little... something or other. maybe at first i was too artsy and they were a skater band. then i was a little straight edge and social d were kind of not. a little of both i think. my friend timmy was insane over "mommy's little monster" and i was all operation ivy and minor threat. good times...

very metal

woah again. if you read that middle comment that up for 10 minutes or so you win. i was wrong twice. the date of that new order show bothered me. the second show was when i was 19, not 22 or 20.

maybe i will wax wordy about that second show. it is a sad fun substance-abusing twenty 19 year old summertime away story. i think i have to now, to set the record straight.

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