ok i know i have been lax posting lately, but... i am kind of feeling happily over blogging. like really over it. for the millionth time, but... still. i can go a week without thinking about it and just remember one day that it's still there and be like ok whatever, that's fine. still happy.
also, my computer got stolen. so i got that going for me. i am going to be moving pretty soon, which means i won't be replacing the computer but instead throwing down for moving costs, deposit, new couch, assorted living-related items. barstools maybe. a coffee table. new bookshelves? whatever. so no at-home computer for a while. thank you people who steal. but really i am happy to be finding a new home -- i already i intuitively feel like is the one, i just need to hear back from my landlord-to-be that it's a go. i faxed him my app this morning. i am already anxious he get back to me. argh.
call me or email me if you wanna hang out, though, it's 1000x cooler than blogging. fluxx, catan, and random hangingg out are go!
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